rsync goodness

September 11, 2009 No comments yet

So I have been using a simple way to backup my data. I have a NAS (based on awesome freenas) running on my home network. I mount one of its drive in windows and I execute the following code within cygwin:

rsync -avm --exclude="*.obj" --exclude="*.o" --exclude="*.sbr" --exclude="*.pch" --delete --ignore-existing --ignore-errors --force --no-o --no-p --chmod=ugo=rwX /c/Code/ /S/private/Code/

This will backup/sync my Code folder from C drive to S drive (mounted NAS). It works great but unfortunately I have been having lots of rsync warnings as such:

cannot delete non-empty directory xxx

This article suggested it was the use of the “backup flag” -b but I was not using it. It just happened that the issue is actually in the --exclude pattern combined with the --ignore-existing. The excluded files (which happen to have been on my backup drive for some reasons) are not being removed and thus it cannot delete the directories even with the --force option (which is strange).

The solution is to use the flag --delete-excluded:
rsync -avm --exclude="*.obj" --exclude="*.o" --exclude="*.sbr" --exclude="*.pch" --delete --delete-excluded --ignore-existing --ignore-errors --force --no-o --no-p --chmod=ugo=rwX /c/Code/ /S/private/Code/

And voila, no more warnings!

New site Look & Feel

September 9, 2009 No comments yet

Over the week-end, I have revamped the site. It looks more professional and shows better the different projects I am involved with in a nice scroller on the front page. The blog is moved away via the top right menu.
The site works ok on iPhone, the videos embedded in the pages for the scroller don’t seem to hide properly though. I will probably switch to images instead.

Let me know what you think!

DLNA DMC Compliance

September 9, 2009 4 comments

Tonight, I have finished making Platinum DLNA compliant with the DMC profile. A DMC (Digital Media Controller) browses a DMS (Digital Media Server) or MSD (Media Server Device) and control the playback of DMP (Digital Media Player) or MRD (Media Renderer Device).

In the process, I have fixed many bugs, crashes, deadlocks and will publish version 0.5.2 anytime now.

Platinum DLNA compliance moving along

August 29, 2009 1 comment

Today I have spent some time testing Platinum with DLNA tools. I am focusing on the Control Point right now. Looks like I have 2 errors and 1 warning left out of around 120 tests. Not bad!

Screenjelly button

August 16, 2009 No comments yet

Screenjelly is a web service that lets you record whatever is happening on your screen including audio for 3 minutes without any downloads or plugins to install. Once finished, you get a link you can send via email, IM or even Twitter.

You can either go to to start your recording or you can now embed a Screenjelly button on your site and let your readers start directly from your site. I have added one to my sidebar. Screenjelly also provides an API to let your site capture the recordings once submitted by your viewers. More info here.

Oh and there’s a bookmarklet too now so wherever you are roaming on the web, you can now start a recording right there without having to go to anymore. Kinda cool.

Oh and you can embed the video too by the way. Here’s a video that was recorded today by someone using ScreenSplitr and DemoGod. Cool!

How to install Tweetboard on WordPress (via Screenjelly)

July 6, 2009 1 comment

Check out my screen recording on Screenjelly that explains how to install Tweetboard on your WordPress custom installation:

