Platinum 0.5.3 released

Posted on October 10, 2009

Last night, I published a spanking new version of Platinum. It fixes many issues and rare crashes (some contributed by the developer behind the awesome foobar foo_upnp plugin, merci Michael!). A lot of effort was put into revamping the Device discovery and housekeeping to prevent access violations when trying to access a device while it’s being removed from the network for example.

Windows 7 PlayTo is now supported as well as the new TwonkyBeam product from TwonkyVision. Additionally, all the DLNA compliance work I have been doing in the last months are in there.

You can find it at the usual place here. I have also started to uploaded some binary versions of the sdk (headers + libs & executables) for different platforms (osx, cygwin, win32) in case some people are just interested in trying out the sample apps. Next is documentation.

Update: I have also committed this new version to the XBMC project.

3 Responses to “Platinum 0.5.3 released”

  1. goeran
    Nov 04, 2009

    I tried to use platinum for programming a UPNP-Controller-plugin in a homeautomation software.
    That works fine. But I need to change the access rights of some members of the PLT_MicroMediaController class from private to protected and make one of the notify functions (OnMRStateVariablesChanged) to virtual. That is because actually I planned to derive a “MyMicroMediaController” class from the PLT_MicroMediaController class to add some functionality I need.

    Is it possible to have those changes in your original repository? That made it easier to reuse you library.


  2. Huy Ngo
    Apr 06, 2010


    I would like to use the Platinum SDK in order to develop a cross platform uPnP on iPhone. Can you help me to used it on iPhone? Any example is of course welcome.

    Huy Ngo

  3. Niraj Pendal
    Apr 17, 2010

    Same here … .. I want to use the platinum SDK on iPhone. Any example or tutorial can help.

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